Cosmetics Packaging

Cosmetic packaging is packaging in various forms for packing cosmetics and home care products

Market Opportunity

Currently, Packaging for cosmetics and home care are very important. Both in terms of helping to use cosmetics or home care products easily, more convenient, increase stability, and maintain the effectiveness of cosmetics better. Additionally, packaging global market trends indicate that packaging marketing (Eco-friendly, Plant-based packaging, No plastics, Recycle, Biodegradability) will attract more customers

How does NSG support

We sell and select packaging that answers product design and usage needs with various types of products be more specific, be Able to control costs based on appropriate quantities, and respond to marketing needs to keep up with global trends that customers want.

Bottles/tubes containing liquids, both clear and opaque, from various types of plastic.
Bottles/jars/tubes for creams and lotions, both clear and opaque, from various types of plastic.
Bottles/jars made from plants Biodegradable naturally
Spray head that helps control the amount and the distribution characteristics of the spray
Bottle/ampoule which is innovative has a gimmick for cosmetic users to mix it themselves for the efficiency and stability of the product
Any packaging that customers have special needs