
- A patented fringe projection unit combined with stereo imaging techniques, the AEVA-HE system offers best performances and flexibility to address different studies and measurements from wrinkles reduction to body reshaping.
- Automatic or interactive areas extraction
- Amplitude, roughness, volume, areas, circumference evaluation
- High resolution system (2 x 5 Mpixels cameras)
- Easy to switch from an application to an other
- Interchangeable fields
- Analysis and evaluation software provided
- 1 year Warranty
Following Instructions and suggestions from the company.
- Stereo imaging techniques, the AEVA-HE system offers best performances and flexibility to address different studies/measurements from wrinkles reduction to body reshaping.
- Face (wrinkles, fine lines and pores, glabella, eyebags,nasogenian fold, lips, sagging)
- Part of Body reshaping, firmness (circumference of waist, legs,breast)
- Designed to quantify efficacy assessment for cosmetics, aesthetical and dermatology products and treatments.
